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Tips To Help You Shop For Living Room Rugs

Everyone wants to make the most of their Living room rugs, but this type of home décor shopping is typically a lot easier said than done. There are all sorts of factors that come into play while shopping for area rugs, and you’re going to want to make sure you’re getting your living room rug right the first time.

The experts at Rug Source have provided this list of shopping tips oriented around finding top-quality living room rugs to match your specific requirements, so take it from the industry pros in that these tips will guide you toward a great living room rug investment!

Scaling Correctly & Choosing The Right Rug Size

The first thing you should do when shopping for a new living room rug is accurately measure out your living room, because no one likes purchasing an area rug that doesn’t fit correctly.

Going too small with your new living room rug will make your space appear awkwardly large, and going too big will make your space appear cluttered and unorganized. So, getting to that perfect Goldilocks size is crucial in terms of being happy with your investment.

One rule of thumb to keep in mind is that all of your primary furniture pieces should have two legs on top of your area rug, and there should be at least a foot of space between your area rug and your walls.

Marking Out Your Living Room Rug Area

It’s also a good idea to actually use tape to mark where you want your new living room rug to go, because this will give you a more in-depth glimpse into how its size will coordinate with the rest of your room’s aesthetics. This is particularly important in terms of conceptualizing how your new rug will complement your floors and furniture.

Doing this step will go a long way toward guaranteeing that you’ll get the correct rug size that coincides perfectly with your living room’s current layout.

Create A Mood Board Via Selected Rug Samples

It’s tough to choose a rug in a showroom when you’re not actually able to see how it would blend with the entirety of your living room, but the good news is that you can sometimes order samples that’ll help you see firsthand how the rug complements your home’s décor and walls.

You’ll use these samples to compare and contrast it with literally everything in your living room, and getting several samples can help you quickly decide which option works best for you.

Getting The Right Vibe


The right living room rug will provide your home with the perfect type of comfort, texture and character. So it goes to show that these types of home décor purchases are much more than just patterns and colors.

Your living room rug should coincide with the rest of your room’s overall design scheme, and this particularly pertains to your living room’s ambience. Make sure you’re getting the right vibe that matches the rest of your room’s vibe, because otherwise your new area rug might stand out in a negative way!

Consider The Rug’s Practicality

Practicality is something that can’t be neglected while shopping for living room rugs, but it’s something that does get overlooked by a lot of rug shoppers who are more concerned with things like texture, pattern and colors. But beautiful area rugs can often be difficult to clean, and they can sometimes detract from your décor when they’re not the right material or color scheme.

Rug texture is always an incredibly important shopping factor to keep in mind, and it’ll be crucial in terms of deciphering the area rug’s overall practicality.

Making A Rug Style Statement

There are plenty of scenarios in which it’s an awesome idea to go bold with a living room rug by making it the focal point of the room’s attention. This means choosing an area rug with bright colors and extravagant designs, and making a statement with an area rug can go a long way toward helping your living room be a fun place to spend your time.

Contact The Rug Source Team To Learn More Shopping Tips For Living Room Rugs!

The above tips are a great starting point for any rug shopper looking for living room rugs, but your best strategy will be to work directly with experienced industry specialists who can guide you to the area rug of your dreams.

You can learn more living room rug shopping tips by going through the link at the beginning of this article that goes to the Rug Source website!

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